Sidmouth has a branch of Save Food Hub. This is not a Food Bank but collects surplus food, when available, from across east Devon and offers it free to all without referral. The Sidmouth location is in the Foyer of the Methodist Church in the High Street. For opening times, see their website.
Local food banks operate in a similar fashion to the Sid Valley Food Bank; clients approach an agency who will assess need and issue an appropriate voucher. The issuing agency will advise on the nearest food bank.

Honiton Food Bank
The Kings Centre
Lees Buildings
High Street
EX14 1DH

Ottery St Mary Food Bank
United Reformed Church
Jesu Street
Ottery St Mary
EX11 1EU

Ottery Larder
The Old Boys School
Yonder Street
Ottery St Mary
EX11 1UP
This is not a Food Bank but is open to all. See the website for details.

Exmouth Food Bank
Salvation Army Hall
Sheppards Row

Seaton Food Bank
Evangelical Chapel
1 Harepath Road
EX12 2RP

Axminster Food Bank
Hanover House
Chard Street
EX13 5DZ

Community Fridge Drop-in
Pippins Community Centre
Lyme Road
EX13 5AZ
This is not a food bank but is open to all. See the website for details.